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Hexplora is pleased to announce their selection as an approved vendor in the Massachusetts Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Technical Assistance (TA) Program. Hexplora has always been committed to empowering ACOs, Community Partners (CPs), and other healthcare organizations to deliver best-in-class care and member experience; this is our ultimate goal. Technology advisors at Hexplora bring over two decades of experience in transforming Healthcare organizations with strategic consulting and analytical solutions to achieve triple-aim goals.

Rocky Hill, CT, Nov 2020 – Hexplora, a comprehensive healthcare analytics software solutions organization, has been approved as a vendor for DSRIP Technical Assistance Program. Since the beginning of the launch of the MassHealth DSRIP program in 2018, Hexplora has been actively working with CPs and ACOs that are transitioning into Value based care. We understand the challenges CPs face both at the operational and strategic levels. We are currently partnering with multiple CPs to better align with ACOs in achieving their overall goal of delivering integrated care, improving member experience and the quality of care they provide to the clients.

Hexplora solution for CPs and ACOs integrates data from EHR systems, MassHealth Claims, and Data exchanges. Our Analytics provides business users with data exploration, visualization, and presentation capabilities using dashboards, scorecards, and KPIs. These dashboards provide direct insights that allow users to quickly and easily monitor key engagement and utilization trends and identify opportunities for intervention. CPs can leverage the Hexplora solution to establish an iterative process to design and implement population health strategies, measure outcomes, and continuously refine and fine-tune the care management delivery models.

Hexplora is a HEDIS certified vendor. Our solution helps ACOs and CPs proactively and continuously monitor Quality Measures, identify Care Gaps, and directly engage with Providers for improving Quality compliance.

Hexplora has a proven history of helping healthcare organizations with the challenge of transitioning from Fee for Service models to Value based models. We enhance the value of our solution by individually collaborating with each CP and ACO to implement organization specific care management strategies and interventions.

Media Contact
Hanu Panthangi, Director – Sales and Marketing
[email protected]
Ph: 860 760 7654

About Hexplora

Hexplora has been assisting Healthcare organizations with leveraging data to obtain actionable information that can be used to improve the health and wellness of patients in the most cost-effective manner. Our comprehensive end-to-end data warehousing and business intelligence solution serves as a foundational platform for healthcare organizations for all their Reporting and Analytics requirements. Our clients have achieved savings of more than $100 million in value-based contracts over the last few years. For more information, visit