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Tech-Enabled Managed Services Improves Analytics Capabilities and Decreases Costs

Addressing the Imperative for Enhanced Analytics Capabilities
In the face of persisting financial challenges, many health systems are compelled to seek avenues for operational streamlining, heightened efficiency, and cost reduction. This necessitates the adoption of novel strategies and cutting-edge technologies to optimize operations, elevate patient care standards, and fortify fiscal resilience.

Revolutionizing Data Utilization and Analytics
Hexplora embarked on a journey to revamp its operational processes, aligning them to bolster organizational decision-making and enhance patient outcomes. The organization underwent a transformative shift in its approach to data and analytics, spurred by escalating demand yet hindered by soaring costs and recruitment challenges in securing analytics talent. The existing business intelligence team struggled to cope with burgeoning demands effectively.

A Strategic Partnership for Success
Recognizing the imperative for scalable analytics solutions, Hexplora forged a deeper collaboration with Health Catalyst, embracing an all-access technology subscription coupled with Tech-Enabled Managed Services encompassing analytics, data management, reporting, and project management.

Access to Expertise
Transferring the employment of its business intelligence team members to Health Catalyst, Hexplora gained access to a pool of seasoned analytics professionals. These Tech-Enabled Managed Services personnel now deliver expert analytics support and innovation across the entire Hexplora system, facilitating broader access to analytics expertise and best practices.

Process Enhancement and Self-Service Analytics
Implementing novel processes for opportunity identification and project management, Hexplora and the Tech-Enabled Managed Services team leverage cutting-edge tools like the KPA Analytics Accelerator to quantify clinical care process variations and prioritize improvement initiatives. The adoption of self-service analytics tools empowers end-users to conduct ad hoc analyses independently, reducing the burden on analytics teams.

Data-Informed Decision-Making
Leveraging applications, Hexplora’s platform refines their value-based care strategies and population health management approaches, guided by actionable insights. Integration of statistical and machine learning techniques through the Healthcare AI suite enhances the quality and speed of insights, enabling informed decision-making.